Tuesday, February 20, 2007

First Ski

Okay so technically it was our second family ski but this was the first that was documented. Wyatt is is the blue blob in Jeff's jacket. Glad we got out this weekend the temps are dropping again and they are predicting - 50 by wednesday :(

First Payment

If you remember back a few months, Jeff and Adrian made a bet on the baby's gender- Jeff won and Adrian brought us our first of the monthly baked goods- homemade brownies YUM!!! Two more months to go. Glad we had a boy!!

Adrian looks pretty good with a baby in her arms :)

Hmm...so does Dan :)

Tecate was feeling left out.

Happy Valentines Day

We dressed Wyatt up in his cutest red outfit (thanks Carrie) to help celebrate Valentines day.

Here is Wyatt giving his favorite pal a big valentines day smooch.


Wyatt has had many "firsts" but the best has to be the smiles, they make those long sleepless nights worth it.

Wyatt and his doggies

The dogs have been great with Wyatt, although they are a little put out that they have to stay in the back of the car.
Mancha says "Don't even think about touching my baby!!"
Tecate says "He smells funny"