Thursday, June 05, 2008

A Little Less Redneck

One way to judge how much of a redneck you are is by counting the number of junk cars in your yard. Well, I am very happy to say one of ours is gone!! Yes, there is one more but it is way back in the woods and no one can see it. So it doesn't really count, right? :)

We got some help from Liz (who is working for Jeff and staying in our guest cabin this summer) and her boyfriend and managed to drag the beast out of the woods and onto the trailer. I had my doubts and it definately took some ingenuity but it worked!

They used the winch on the four wheeler to pull it up onto the trailer- notice how far off the ground the front tires of the 4-wheeler are.
The registration on the plates expired in '84.

Yippeee!!!! It's gone!!!

Oh, if your wondering where it went, Jeff's buddy John has a big gravel pit on his property that he is trying to fill, so they dumped it in a big hole and it will be buried.

* Note: You might also be a redneck if you ask your friends to bring over their junk cars so you can bury them in your yard :)

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