Sunday, September 07, 2008

Gramma & Dru Part 2

Our biggest outing of the visit was a trip down to Valdez. Long distance driving is much easier when you have a 7 year old in the backseat to entertain the one year old. We left poor Grandpa at home to work and Papa went to Chitna to catch us some fish for the winter.

Dru wanted to get his feet in the summer snow.

We took a 6 hour cruise out of Valdez. We lucked out and had great weather and got to see lots of whales, sea lions etc.
Hard to get pictures of the whales but here is one way in the distance. We did however get some really nice up close looks.

Back at the hotel playing with Gramma glasses. Again, Gramma took most of the pictures in Valdez.

Gramma relaxing at the end of her grueling vacation.This ain't no vacation for Grandpa, he has got work to do. Good thing he has a helper this year.

Well, you can't work ALL the time.

1 comment:

AlaskaRon said...

Wahoo. The LULU Belle. Brings back lots of memories. It was 10 years ago this year we got married on the boat.