Thursday, November 20, 2008

Catching Up..Again

Back at the library, lucked out today because there is a little girl here entertaining Wyatt by putting on a puppet show and enlisting his help with various other projects. It's very cute.

So here are a bunch of random shots from the past month or so. The first one is Jeff playing guitar during his first big gig! He has been playing music with some friends that have a band in town but this is the first time he has played in public in many, many years. The name of the band is "Simple Folk Uprising" and they rocked the Moose Family Lodge!!

Sometime around Halloween Wyatt and I flew down to Anchorage to meet up with Jeff who had been down there for work. We spent the weekend with Kim and Paul and got some good visiting in with a bunch of friends we had not seen in a long time. We did our traditional pumpkin craving over at Jp and Elizabeth's. The tradition is to carve the pumpkins then order food and have the delivery person judge the pumpkins. This year was kind of a bust in that the delivery guy did not speak any English but we still had fun.
April and Jeb- we missed you!!

Jp is great at keeping the youngins entertained. Oh Jp- if your reading this Wyatt was talking about you the other day and he is still saying "No talking about gansers" :) I guess your Phd defense really made an impression on him!

For Halloween Elliott was dressing up as a Worker Man and Bennett went as a Spaceman.

The dogs don't make it on the blog very often so I thought I would stick these on. Nellie and Tecate were freaking out one afternoon because a squirrel was on the wood pile. They managed to climb up on the pile and get stuck in between the top of the pile and the barn roof- it's a pretty tight squeeze and we had to help get them out, the squirrel got away.

They were up on top of this pile, crazy mutts!

Shiway and Dave came for a nice long weekend. The boys went moose hunting of course and Shi and I hung out and had some girl time. I even got her to go to my mom's group meeting. The theme of the meeting was "becoming an outdoors mom". Shiway was a good sport and took part in the obstacle course.
Walking the balance beam with baby in the backpack, waders on and 2 bags of groceries
Doing some target practice
and hauling some wood...yup, pretty typical day for an Alaskan mom. Good work Shiway, I think your ready!!!
I was bad and didn't take any other pictures of Dave and Shiway's visit. Dave and Jeff got their one moose and Shiway spoiled me being such a big help with Wyatt. I wanted to hire her as my nanny!! Come back soon!!!

Below are just a couple cute pics from our little play group. Wyatt has some good looking girlfriends.

Jen was brave and let them all paint on her floor, most of it stayed on the paper.

1 comment:

Shiway (and sometimes Dave) said...

We had a great time visiting you guys, too! So nice to see you. hopefully we'll see each other again before May. have a great time in Hawaii! I think we got over 6in of snow in the past 24hours. Dave's plowing the driveway right now.