Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bonfires and Beyond

Just a couple pictures from Greg and Rachelle's bonfire party to celebrate the return of near normal winter weather. Jeff was a sweetie and stayed home with Wyatt while he was sick so I could go out :)
Burning stuff with friends is always fun.

Tecate got to go with me because he and Luke are buddies now. He thought that my lap was way more comfortable then the straw Greg threw down for them.

Our sweet little boy. They are so dang cute and snuggly when they are sick. Well, not that he is not when he is healthy but it's different :)
For example, he is healthy here..... Cute but different, right?These two like to sit on the stairs watching birds at the feeder. That is sweet!
I was a little slow and missed the first few letters, but this is just about the cutest thing ever!!

He has also been successfully counting to 10 the last few days. We are going to work on his long division next!

1 comment:

sitta said...

As cute as Wyatt is, I always find myself looking forward to the pix of Tecate! Something about that Baja mutt that makes me smile when I see him on teh interwebs...