Sunday, January 18, 2009

Two Years Old!

Sorry- I had to skip Christmas blogging because of technical difficulties with the camera. I hope the pictures can be saved, we are still working on it.

So on to January, Wyatt turned 2 on the 6th! Unfortunately -50 was just a tad too cold to have his little friends over for a party. So we had a quiet celebration at home, Mama made a blueberry cake and he recieved many phone calls from friends and family. Of course the gifts had been rolling in too and after Christmas he knew exactly what to do with the birthday presents!

As some of you may know, anyone who has a birthday celebrated at our house is either 40 or 4. These are the only candles we have :)

Ummm..tastes good, and still makes a good mess even without frosting!

Here is wyatt playing with his new legos that Aunt Liz and Uncle Mike sent.

Mama and Papa got Wyatt a ukelele. He had written his first song for the guitar at Christmas so we figured he was ready. The song goes like this....Wyatt is a big boy, give him a little smooch. He is still working on the chords and subsequent verses. I have a video of him singing it but it is stuck on the camera with the Christmas photos :(

I just got done updating Wyatt's 2 year old milestones for his baby book. So if you don't mind my bragging here is a recap. His vocabulary and speech continue to amaze us and many people we encounter when out and about. He pretty much speaks in full sentences and really doesn't stop unless he is sleeping. Actually we have even heard him talking about airplanes in his sleep a few times. He can pronounce big words, like ornament, imagination, stegasaurus, etc and his memory is very impressive. He still talks about Grandpa fixing the light which happened in back in August. Wyatt loves to sing; in addition to his own song he can sing his ABC's, Old McDonald, Ring around the Rosie, the colors of the rainbow, Patty cake, and bits and pices of many others. He knows his basic colors and shapes and is working on counting. He can also spell his name! He loves anything with wheels or motors (especially boats and airplanes), stacking blocks, scribbling with his crayons and reading books. He hates pretty much all vegetables but will eat almost any kind of meat that is put in front of him- good little Alaskan boy! Sorry I will stop now, but needless to say he is a great kid and we couldn't be prouder!! These two years have gone by quickly.

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